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This article will give an overview of where to update each section of the Find A Doc (FAD) profile. Most information displayed on the FAD profile pulls from the U-CV System. You will use your uNID and CIS password to log in.

Table of Contents

When describing what category profile information can be updated under, the word before the > is the menu heading and the word after is the category you’ll select.

Clinical Information

Academic Information


  1. How do I add a photo to my online profile?

  2. You can update your preferred name under “Personal” > “Names”. The degrees, certifications, or professional affiliations that show after the name can be updated under “Personal” > “Degree Display Information”. You can also use the CV Category Search field.

  3. The biography shows on both the clinical and academic sections of the profile. You can add a biography under “Personal” > “Biography”.

Clinical Trials

This section pulls information uTRAC. Please contact the University of Utah Health Clinical Research Compliance & Education Office for questions related to this section.
