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This article will give an overview of where to update each section of the Find A Doc (FAD) profile. Most information displayed on the FAD profile pulls from the U-CV System. You will use your uNID and CIS password to log in.

Table of Contents

When describing what category profile information can be updated under, the word before the > is the menu heading, and the word after is the category you’ll select.

Clinical Information

Academic Information


  1. How do I add a photo to my online profile?

  2. You can update your preferred name under “Personal” > “Names”. The degrees, certifications, or professional affiliations that show after the name can be updated under “Personal” > “Degree Display Information”. You can also use the CV Category Search field.

  3. The biography shows on both the clinical and academic sections of the profile. You can add a biography under “Personal” > “Biography”.

  4. Academic locations can be added under “Personal” > “Addresses”. Select “Office Address” as the address type to show under this section.

  5. Research Statement

  6. Board Certifications

  7. Research Interests

  8. Education History

  9. Selected Publications

Clinical Trials

This section pulls information uTRAC. Please contact the University of Utah Health Clinical Research Compliance & Education Office for questions related to this section.
