In the descriptions below, the word before the > is the menu heading in UCV, and the word after is the category you’ll select.
Clinical Information
Additional languages can be added under “Personal” > “Language”.
The biography shows on both the clinical and academic sections of the profile. You can add a biography under “Personal” > “Biography”.
Clinical locations can be added under “Personal” > “Addresses”. Select “Clinical Address” as the address type to show under this section.
Specialties can be added under “General” > “Clinical Specialties”. Only specialties the provider sees patients for should be added.
Board certifications can be added under “General” > “Board Certifications”. Certifications that are not active will not show on the FAD profile.
The information under “Academic Information” also pulls from UCV, but it is maintained by Academic Affairs. If anything is incorrect, please email Academic-IT-Help@utah.edu.