Enter name information for the Submitter and Contract owner. Enter Contract alternate as needed. (A contract alternate can view documentation but not edit the contract.) A person can should only be in two out of the three following roles - submitter, owner, and approver.
Enter in the Contract title. This should be identifiable but concise for searching purposes.
Select a Contract Type from the drop-down list. If you do not know which contract type to use, you can reach out to the Office of General Counsel as to which is the correct category for your document.
Select Yes or No for “Does the Contract include Clinical Services?” question.
Select Yes or No for “Does this contract involve Division level?” question.
Select the Department/Division information by selecting the “Lookup” link on the far right.
Fill out any other information in this section as desired.
In this section you can add any pertinent documentation to the contract from email communications to the contract itself. It is best to upload in PDF format.
To add documentation, go to the far right of this section and select the Add New button. You can upload documentation from the dialog box. Black/white PDF is the preferred format.
Add in Department/Division approver names and make sure the radio button is set to “Awaiting Review”. The Legal section is already preset so you don’t have to select a person. Select the appropriate College/School Dean approver, and the Senior VP approver. If you are unsure which SVP approver to select, you can select Valerie Ogden and she will route it to the appropriate individual. Again, make sure all approvers are set to “Awaiting Review”.
At this point it is recommended to save the record before submitting it. This way you will automatically be notified if you forgot to fill out any required sections and it also gives you one more chance to review the contract and make sure it is completely ready to submit. The submitter can only edit the contract information prior to submission or if an approver sends back the contract for clarification. Changes beyond this point will have to be done by the Archer administrator (Stacy Johnson). The contract number assigned will be the reference number you will refer to in the future if you have any questions as it is the easiest way to search for contracts. After you have done that and verified the record is complete, select Yes on Ready to Submit and select Save.
If you scroll back to the top of the contract, you can now see the contract status has changed (located under submitter/owner information) to “Awaiting Department Review”. You can check the Contract Status at any time going forward to see where in the process your contract is. Save and Close out of the contract.
The contract will now automatically notify the first approver by email that the contract is ready to approve. After each level of approval, it automatically notifies the next level approver and so on until the contract is complete at which point the contract owner is then notified that the contract is completed.
*Delegation of Signature Authority for Procurement Contracts: the academic department chair and head administrative officer have designated procurement signature authority for the purpose of signing Purchasing/Procurement Agreements less than $50,000. Please reference /wiki/spaces/AR/pages/2319843430 for more details.
Terminate Contract
This section is for administrator use only. If you have a contract that you no longer are pursuing or gets cancelled, please let the Archer administrator (Stacy Johnson) know and she can terminate it for you. Terminating a record changes the status to terminated and it is no longer active, but it remains in the system for reference as needed. If you wish to delete a record entirely out of the system, that can be done as well by the administrator.