Elements Knowledge Base

Delegate Access


In the University of Utah Elements system, a delegate is a person that you grant profile editing permissions to. A delegate edits your profile by logging in with their credentials and "impersonating" you. Multiple delegates can be set up for a single profile. 

Managing Delegates

Managing Delegates

Adding Delegates

  1. Log in to Elements with your uNID and CIS password.

  2. Click the Menu button in the top left of the page. In the “Settings” menu, select Manage Delegates.

  3. Scroll down to the “Add Delegates” field.

  4. Search for the University of Utah Elements user you wish to add as a delegate. Suggestions will appear. Click on a user to select them.

  5. Click Update Delegates.

Removing Delegates

  1. Log in to Elements with your uNID and CIS password.

  2. Click the Menu button toward the top left of the page. In the “Settings” menu, select Manage Delegates.

  3. Scroll down to the “Delegates” section.

  4. Click the Remove button next to a delegate’s name to take away their delegate privileges on your profile.

Impersonating Another User

Impersonating Another User

It is possible to impersonate another user and edit their account on their behalf if they have set you up as a delegate. For more information on how they can do that, see the Managing Delegates section above.

If a faculty member has given you delegate access to their University of Utah Elements profile, you can impersonate them by doing the following:

  1. Log in to Elements with your uNID and CIS password.

  2. Click the Impersonate icon in the top toolbar.

  3. In the “Name contains” field, type in the user’s last name and click Set filters.

  4. Click a person’s name in the results section to impersonate them.

  5. A tab will appear at the top of the page to indicate who you are currently impersonating. When you are done, click on the red ‘x’ button to stop impersonating the other user.


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