Not every category in Elements shows on your online profile. Only the following categories* will show.
Scholarly & Creative Works Book Book Chapter Choreography Composition Dance Performance Exhibition Film Media Art Musical Performance Original Play Patent Poem Published Article Restaging Story Theatrical Production
Grants & Contracts External Grant or Contract Fellowship or Residency
Service & Leadership Community Engagement & Outreach Honors/Awards Professional Boards or Committee Participation
Teaching & Mentoring Courses Taught
Librarianship Masterclasses, Workshops, & Short Courses
Experience Academic appointments Non-academic employment Education Degrees Certifications Postgraduate training
*Categories listed are subject to change and not all categories and types are available to all depts.
How do I add a CV to my profile?
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You can add a CV to your profile by uploading it to Google Drive, Dropbox, or any online resource that allows a URL to be publicly shared, and then adding it as a hyperlink under “Overview” or a web address under “Web Addresses & Social Media”. More information can be found on the Adding a CV to your public profile knowledge base article.
A delegate in Elements can impersonate another user and assist with managing their account. Full guidance on adding a delegate and impersonating can be found in our guide: Delegate Access
How do I impersonate another user
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You can impersonate another user if:
You are a named delegate for that user
The user is a member of a group (e.g. department) of which you are a group manager (research managers and statisticians are jointly known as group managers)
You can impersonate them by clicking on the impersonate icon* at the top of the screen and entering their surname (optionally followed by a comma, space and initial e.g. 'Jones, J').
How long does it take for my public profile to update after I've entered something in Elements?
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Around two minutes.
Can I limit what activities show on my public profile or hide my entire profile from showing publicly?
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Faculty members can determine whether their profile is available for others to view on Elements and the Discovery portal. By default, an Elements faculty profile is public and is searchable via the Discovery portal. A faculty member can limit the visibility of individual activities or their entire profile. For step-by-step instructions on how to do this, please see Profile Privacy & Visibility.
How do I import scholarly works using RIS or BIBTEX?