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In the descriptions below, the word before the > is the menu heading in UCV, and the word after is the category you’ll select.

Clinical Information


  1. Additional languages can be added under Personal > Language.

  2. The biography shows on both the clinical and academic sections of the profile. You can add a biography under Personal > Biography.

  3. Clinical locations can be added under Personal > Addresses. Select “Clinical Address” as the Address Type to show under the Clinical Information section of the FAD profile.

  4. Specialties can be added under General > Clinical Specialties. Only specialties the provider sees patients for should be added.

  5. Board certifications can be added under General > Board Certifications. Certifications that are not active will not show on the FAD profile.
    The information under the Academic Information section also pulls from U-CV but is maintained by SOM Academic Affairs. If anything is incorrect, please email

Academic Information


  1. Adding or Updating a Profile Photo

  2. You can update your preferred name under Personal > Names.
    Updating Degrees or Credentials After a Namedegrees or credentials after name

  3. The biography shows on both the clinical and academic sections of the profile. You can add a biography under Personal > Biography.

  4. Academic locations can be added under Personal > Addresses. Select “Office Address” as the Address Type to show under the Academic Information section.

  5. A research statement can be added under Research > Research Statement.

  6. Board certifications can be added under General > Board Certifications. Only active certifications will show on the FAD profile.
    The information under “Academic Information” also pulls from U-CV, but it is maintained by SOM Academic Affairs. If anything is incorrect, please email

  7. Research interests can be added under Research > Research Interests. Entries added in U-CV that were not selected from the drop-down list will not show online until they have been approved by a member of the UFIS team.

  8. Education history can be updated under General > Education History.

  9. To add publications to the Selected Publications section, go to Publications > Publications. Select the box in the WEB column next to the publication you would like to add.

    1. To add a new publication, click Add a New Entry or import from PubMed.

Clinical Trials

This section pulls information from uTRAC. Please contact the University of Utah Health Clinical Research Compliance & Education Office for questions related to this section.

Phone: 801-213-3601

Video & News

This section is maintained by the Interactive Marketing & Web team. To update this section, please contact

Patient Ratings

Physician satisfaction data is posted once a provider has a minimum of 30 returned surveys. Questions regarding ratings or comments should be sent to Chris Brown (



Please allow up to 24 hours for changes made to appear on your profile.

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cqllabel in ( "fad" , "profile" , "ucv" , "bio" , "photo" ) and type = "page" and space = "KB"labelsfad ucv profile bio
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