Importing Publications from PubMed

Importing Publications from PubMed

This article will show you how to import publications from PubMed to U-CV.


  1. Click on Publications from the center navigation menu and then click on Import from PubMed.

  2. The “Initials” and “Last Name” fields will automatically populate.

    1. Add a middle initial to narrow down search results.

      1. Articles published with only the first initial will not show in the search results unless you remove the middle initial from the “Initials” field.

  3. Enter two or three words from the article title in the “Title Keywords” field to narrow down the search results. Enter additional search criteria (e.g. year, co-author, journal) in the “Additional Keywords” field.


  4. Click Search.

  5. The results page will tell you how many articles match your search criteria and how many have been previously downloaded or rejected.

  6. Click on This is Mine to add an article to the CV. Click on This is Not Mine only if you’re sure the article was not published by you (or the faculty member/provider you’re helping). The article will no longer show in the results when doing a search.


  7. Click Search Again to change your search criteria.


TIP: Before step 4, uncheck the box next to Restrict to publications affiliated with the University of Utah if you’re having trouble finding an article. Not all articles in PubMed will have “University of Utah” listed as the affiliation, even if the author in the search criteria was a faculty member at the University of Utah at the time of publishing.

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