UCV New Faculty Resources

UCV New Faculty Resources

This page includes resources for School of Medicine and School of Dentistry faculty who are new to the UCV system.

On This Page:

Who is UFIS?

We strive to provide innovative platforms for data collection for university reporting purposes. Our team is dedicated to building systems that are useful, usable, and efficient.

As a service to incoming full-time faculty, UFIS works with departments to do the initial CV entry into U-CV for Tenure-line and Career-line faculty. Responsibility for keeping information up to date in U-CV is then turned over to the faculty member.

What is U-CV?

The University CV System (U-CV) is a web-based faculty information system designed to be a central platform for faculty to capture their professional activities and accomplishments.

Why U-CV?

  • It is a tool for faculty to track their professional activities and generate their CV in the SOM format required for review and promotion.

  • It is a resource for institutional and departmental applications. You only have to enter your information once to access all its benefits.

  • Used for Faculty Appointment, Review, and Advancement (FARA) process.

    • The CV provides the major evidence used during the evaluation of candidates for promotion. Therefore, accurate and complete reporting of contributions and achievements in the CV is essential.

  • Department ad hoc reports

  • School of Medicine Executive Committee (SOMEC) annual reports

  • Improves data quality

Logging in to U-CV

Bookmark this URL: https://securembm.uuhsc.utah.edu/ufis/cv/index

You will log in to U-CV using your uNID and CIS password.

Navigating U-CV

Categories are separated into different types of activities (e.g. Research, Teaching). Click on a menu heading to view available categories in that section. You can also use the CV Category Search field.

Updating your Profile

Clinical Faculty - Updating Your Find A Doc Profile

Academic Faculty - Updating Your School of Medicine Profile

Exporting Your Data



Helpful Resources

SOM CV to UCV Map - shows you which categories show on the SOM CV format and where activities can be entered in U-CV to show under a specific category.

Delegate Access

UFIS Help Center


  • When pasting text into fields that allow rich text (e.g. bold, italics, underline), use Ctrl+Shift+V (Cmd+Shift+V on a Mac). This strips all formatting from the original copied text.

  • If you need to add text on a new line in fields that allow rich text formatting, use Shift+Enter (Shift+Return on a Mac) to add a line break.

  • You can self-report demographic info (gender, place of birth, ethnicity) under the Personal menu heading.

    • Basic Information - gender, ethnicity, birthplace

    • Citizenship

  • If you have an assistant that will be helping you keep your information up to date in the U-CV system, make sure to provide this information when asking them to add something to your CV:

    • The name of the U-CV category or SOM CV category it should be entered under.

    • For service activities, provide your role (e.g. Member), organization/entity, committee name.

    • Start date and end date (if necessary).


Need Help?

Submit questions or other requests through the UFIS Help Center.