Manually Refresh an Online Profile

Manually Refresh an Online Profile

Changes you make in U-CV should reflect on your SOM or Find A Doc profile after the cache automatically clears itself every 24 hours or so. If you need to see those changes online immediately, you can manually reset the cache for a page yourself.


  1. Go to the live page whose cache you would like to reset.

    1. Example: https://healthcare.utah.edu/fad/mddetail.php?physicianID=u0028311

    2. Example: https://medicine.utah.edu/faculty/mddetail.php?facultyID=u6009101

  2. Type ?resetcache=1 at the end of the live page URL and then hit enter.

    1. Example: https://medicine.utah.edu/neurology/?resetcache=1

    2. Example: https://medicine.utah.edu/faculty/mddetail.php?facultyID=u6009101?resetcache=1

  3. Some changes may not show until the web page refreshes overnight. If you have tried the steps above and it has been at least 24 hours since you made the changes in U-CV, please email the Interactive Marketing & Web team at hscwebmaster@hsc.utah.edu or send us a request for help through the UFIS Help Center.

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