U-CV General Information


  • Find CV activity categories by using the center navigation drop-down menu or by using the CV Activity Search box

    • For example, searching for the term “teaching” will display activity categories that either have “teaching” in the title or in example text, which includes other names (or aliases) for that term.

  • U-CV uses a “soft delete” process that allows users to “un-delete” previously removed entries.

  • Export a CV document by clicking on Reports in the center-navigation menu and My CV.

  • Hover over the Save button and choose between Save, Save and Add Another, or Save and Clone.


  • After 60 minutes of being on the same page, a popup warns you that you have been idle and should attempt to extend your login session.

    • Click Extend to continue working.

    • If too much time has elapsed since the notification, the system will prompt you to save your work and re-login, which will bring you back to the same page you were on.


  • Select Reports and My Appointment Detail to view appointments and review history.

  • This report replaces the “Appointments & Affiliations” application previously found in MBM.