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Most information displayed on FAD profiles pulls from the U-CV System. Log in using your uNID and CIS password.


Please allow at least 72 hours for changes made to appear on your profile.


Table of Contents

Clinical Information


In the descriptions below, the word before the > is the menu heading in UCV, and the word after is the category you’ll select.

Clinical Information


  1. NAME - You can update your preferred name under Personal > Names.

  2. POSTNOMINAL LETTERS - Updating degrees or credentials after your name

  3. PHOTO - Adding or updating your profile photo

  4. LANGUAGES SPOKEN - Additional languages can be added under Personal > Language.

  5. BIOGRAPHY - The biography shows in both the Information and Academic Information of the profile. You can add a biography under Personal > Biography.

  6. CLINICAL LOCATIONS - Clinical locations can be added under Personal > Addresses. Select “Clinical Address” as the Address Type to show under the Clinical Information section of the FAD profile. You can also update clinical locations in the same category.

  7. HCI LOGO - Some providers will have a Huntsman Cancer Institute Logo showing on their profile. This affiliation is maintained by University Information and Support. If there is a question about adding or removing this logo, please submit a request through the UFIS Help Center.

  8. SPECIALTIES - Specialties can be added under General > Clinical Specialties. Only specialties the provider sees patients for should be added.

  9. BOARD CERTIFICATIONS & ACADEMIC INFORMATION - Board certifications can be added under General > Board Certifications. Only active certifications will show on the FAD profile.
    The information under “Academic Departments and Academic Divisions” also pulls from U-CV but is maintained by SOM Academic Affairs. If anything is incorrect, please submit a request through the UFIS Help Center.

  10. PATIENT RATING - The Patient Rating comes from results of the patient experience survey. A minimum of 30 patient surveys per provider are required before a provider's rating is posted. You can learn more about the survey here. Please contact the Patient Experience team at with any questions.

  11. PATIENT COMMENTS - Patient Comments also come from the patient experience survey. In an effort to help patients connect with a provider that fits their needs, comments written in the care provider section of the survey are posted on the provider profile page. Please contact the Patient Experience team at with any questions.



Please allow at least 48 72 hours for changes made to appear on your profile.
