FAR - Opening a FAR Period

FAR - Opening a FAR Period

This article will show you how to set start dates and deadlines for your college's annual Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) period. You must be set up as a College Administrator in FAR to have access to do this. If you do not have College Administrator access and feel like you should, please submit a request here.

You can also configure your college's FARs to be automatically submitted after the deadline has passed. If you select any of the Auto-Submit Groups, all of those users' FARs will be automatically submitted the day after the FAR deadline.

Your college's active FAR will be designated with the icon.


  1. Log in to FAR Self Service using your uNID and CIS password.

  2. Select the organization you have access to from the dropdown menu.

  3. The default landing page is Due Dates/Open Periods, but you can select it from the left-hand navigation menu if you happen to navigate away.

  4. Your college's active FAR will be designated with the icon. If you are not seeing a green icon, your college does not have an active FAR period open.

  5. To create a new open period, fill in the information requested in each field under the Add New FAR Configuration.

    1. Reporting Year: The year you are reporting on. Typically the previous calendar year.

    2. Submission Start: The date faculty can begin updating their information. This is typically the day after the previous year’s Submission Deadline.

    3. Submission Deadline: The last day faculty can update their FAR. Any activity entered after this day will not be included in the FAR for that reporting year. FARs will be automatically submitted and finalized the following morning for Auto-Submit Groups that were selected.

    4. Reporting Start and Reporting End: The date range of activity you want to report on. This is usually the calendar year. Example: 01/01/2022 - 12/31/2022

    5. Auto-Submit Groups: Groups selected will have their FARs automatically submitted the day after the FAR deadline.


  6. Click Add New FAR Configuration to save.

Reporting year start and end dates cannot overlap previous or future FAR periods.

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