• In progress
  • Should I contact UFIS or Interactive Marketing & Web?

    This page provides clarification on which team handles questions related to Find A Doc (FAD) pages (healthcare.utah.edu) and School of Medicine web pages on the medicine.utah.edu website.

    Interactive Marketing & Web can be reached at hscwebmaster@hsc.utah.edu.

    School of Medicine Department Web Pages and Profiles



    Responsible Team



    Responsible Team

    Need to edit content on your dept/div page.(medicine.utah.edu)

    https://medicine.utah.edu/pediatrics/adolescent-medicine )

    Need to add faculty to a specific department web page.

    Add Jane Doe (u0000000) to the department faculty listing https://medicine.utah.edu/dermatology/faculty

    (Be sure to include url, faculty name(s) and uNID(s))

    Information on my SOM profile is incorrect

    I need to add/change information on my SOM profile

    However, many updates can be made by the faculty themselves as explained here. Allow 24 hours for updates to show.

    How do I change where faculty profile’s open when clicking on their link? Clinical vs academic.



    Find A Doctor



    Responsible Team



    Responsible Team

    Need to edit the content of a services page.(healthcare.utah.edu)


    Provider doesn’t have a profile on FAD.

    Dr. John Doe (uNID u0000000) started on 7/1/2022 and is not showing on Find A Doc

    (Please include provider name, start date and uNID)

    Provider is not showing on the web page for a specific clinical location (or showing when they shouldn’t be).

    Dr. Jane Doe’s (uNID: u0000000) profile does not appear under the Farmington Health Center Internal Medicine listings https://healthcare.utah.edu/locations/farmington/internal-medicine.php

    (Make sure clinical addresses are correct in U-CV for the provider first- updates can take up to 24 hours to reflect on web pages)

    Provider is not showing on the web page for a specific specialty (or showing when they shouldn’t be).

    Dr. John Doe (uNID u0000000) should be listed on the transplant services page and is not https://healthcare.utah.edu/transplant/

    (Make sure clinical specialties are correct in U-CV for the provider first- updates can take up to 24 hours to reflect on web pages)

    Information on my Find A Doc profile is incorrect

    I need to add/change information on my Find A Doc profile

    However, many updates can be made by the faculty themselves as explained here. Allow 24 hours for updates to show.

    I want to add something to the Video & News tab.

    I want to add a link to a video/news article or my provider is missing this tab

    (Send an email to hscwebmaster@hsc.utah.edu with the provider name, uNID and the link of the video/news that should show)



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